Friday, December 27, 2019

Heracles - The Man of the Hour - 979 Words

Heroes are found in fiction from every place on earth, they differ in many aspects, but key elements transcend through stories. These elements are instrumental in differentiating between a hero and a legend. The Greeks had many legends, but few were truly considered heroes. The most famous heroes were Achilles, Odysseus, Jason, and Theseus. However, the greatest legacy has been left by Heracles, the son of Zeus, but Heracles is indeed more than a legend, he is a hero. Heracles willingly risks his life to preform heroic acts, has a destiny which is set in stone from birth, and crosses several thresholds through his heroic journeys. Heracles’s life is at risk in his numerous acts as a hero, but no matter the strife, Heracles is willing. This willingness to do heroic acts, causes Heracles to fall in Carl Jung’s definition of a willing hero, which ultimately reinforces that is a hero. Heracles is willing to do twelve potentially fatal labours ( he is told to do by the Oracle Delphi), in order to repent for killing his children and wife. When Heracles arrives at the Kingdom of Mycenae, he willfully tells Lord Eurystheus â€Å" twelve labours, you are to set to me.† (Lottridge Dickiie, 89). This means that Heracles compliantly takes it upon himself to do these twelve labours, illustrating he is a willing hero. Another instance, where Heracles was willing to preform a heroic deed, was when â€Å"[he] bravely killed the sea monster terrorizing Troy, by allowing himself to be swallowedShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle between Hercules and Hera Essay1067 Words   |  5 PagesMycenae. Hera, because she was jealous, persuaded the goddess of childbirth, to hold back Alcmenas delivery, and made it that Eurystheus, also a descendant of Perseus, is going to be arrived already seven months old. Heracles lost the throne of Mycenae because of this. Heracles was eight months old when, Hera, wanting him to die, sent two serpents to him. But with his strength he killed them with his bare hands (Hercules 1) Herculess family is from Argos, since his mother was Alcmene, daughterRead MoreImmortals of Greek mythology6763 Words   |  28 Pagesbrother of Artemis. As brother and sister, they were identified with the sun and moon; both use a bow and arrow. In the earliest myths, Apollo contends with his half-brother Hermes. In sculpture, Apollo was depicted as a very handsome, beardless young man with long hair and an ideal physique. As the embodiment of perfectionism, he could be cruel and destructive, and his love affairs were rarely happy. His attributes include the laurel wreath and lyre. He often appears in the company of the Muses. AnimalsRead MoreGreek Mythology : Ancient Mythology1630 Words   |  7 Pagesimportant as the god Zeus. He frequently was escorted by a host of whimsical gods, including satyrs, centaurs, and nymphs. Satyrs existed as creatures with legs of a goat and an upper body of a monkey or human. Centaurs had both a head and torso of a man, and the body to a horse. Wh ile Delphi is holy site devoted solemnly to the god to Apollo. A temple built at Delphi held an oracle, prophet, whom courageous voyagers questioned about their futures. A collection of priests signified the holy sites. TheseRead More Penelope and Alcestis as Ideal Greek Females Essay examples1837 Words   |  8 Pagesthis while maintaining the surface appearance of feminine obedience. Penelope is not directly subversive; however, she manages to incorporate the characteristics of the sophronein (good wife)5 into a role more nearly resembling that of the saophron man. Penelopes faithfulness (undermined by the suggestion of eroticism in her dream of the geese) is above all strategic. If taken at face value, it is easy to see how her behavior could be construed as conforming to the Greeks notion of the sophronRead More Use of Symbols in Yeatss Work, A Vision Essay3300 Words   |  14 Pagesfounded upon the belief that the ultimate reality, symbolized by the sphere, falls in human con sciousness... into a series of antinomies (Vision p. 187). The Byzantium poems are a prime example of the antinomies at work in the individual mind of man. In many of his poems, Yeats idealizes Byzantium, as a symbol of unity in spiritual and everyday life. He writes I think that in early Byzantium, maybe never before or since in recorded history, religious, aesthetic and practical life were one,Read MoreThe City Of New York2083 Words   |  9 Pagessecretaries and Mondays, when his intercom buzzed, â€Å"Mr.Hermes, a man is here to see you. He claims to be a relative.† Hermes frowned and hit his button, â€Å"What’s his name; Zeus? Poseidon?† Again, the speaker beeped, â€Å"No, it’s a Mr. Kronos, Titan L. Kronos.† Fear flared in Hermes’ eyes. He turned and jumped out his window. He fell 10 floors and rolled on the pavement.This shocked several bystanders, but this didn’t matter, because the man Hermes had feared all his life stepped out of the Fedex buildingRead MoreThe Mythology Of The Ancient Greeks2537 Words   |  11 Pageslyre within seconds after he was born. His mother, Maia gave birth to him in a cave on the Mount Cyllene in Arcadia and he was nursed by the nymph Cyllene. The precious baby, became very loved and respected by all the gods in the Mount Olympus. Like Heracles, Hermes showed his abilities as a god really fast, when he escaped from the cave he was born and invented the lyre. He develop a plan as soon as he saw a turtle when he was wandering from the cave. His imagination got expanded when he saw the turtle

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Communist Manifesto By Marx - 943 Words

Commentary â€Å"The Communist Manifesto† by Marx Karl Marx was a German philosopher in 1818 through 1883 and he lived during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was the creation of modern society and the creation of machines where Marx gets his new ideas and beliefs. Marx philosophy was about class struggled and how we progress throughout history of a group conflicted with another group. Marx believed that time drags us to a higher level after every conflicted we had in history also known as a transformed society over time of history, system, and existence. Marx myths of Primate Accumulation are that people’s ancestors were lazy and capitalism starts with violence of one class against another. Marx mentioned, â€Å"The history of all existing societies is the history of hitherto class struggles†, struggles between oppressors and oppressed. In history, Ancient slavery and society evaluated over time to feudalism than to capitalism where minority and majority groups existed. The minority group in ancient slavery and society was the kings and the majority was the slaves. Feudalism, the minority was the lords and the minority was the serfs, but there was also a merchant class known like the middle class. Capitalism, the minority where the bourgeoisie, known as the capitalists and the majority were the proletariat s known as the workers. Marx explains how Ancient Slavery and society transformed to feudalism than to capitalism over time by American Revolution where itShow MoreRelatedMarx and the Communist Manifesto927 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"A specter is haunting Europe -the specter of Communism,† Karl Marx proclaims. This phantom maybe the resolution to rid a country of greed and exploitation. Karl Marx in the collaboration with Frederich Engels elucidates his concern of capitalism and his yearn for a communistic society in the book, The Communist Manifesto. In this book he explains his idea of true communism. True communism is a social order in which all citizens are equal. In communism equality means that society is classless, moneylessRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1364 Words   |  6 PagesThe Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, has become one of the world s most significant pieces of political propaganda written to this date. The main contributor to the book was Karl Marx. Marx was born on May 5th, 1818 in Western Germany. When he turned seventeen he enrolled at the University of Bonn to study law. Due to his social misbehavior, his father had him transferred to the University of Berlin, which had a stricter regime. During this time at college, heRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1044 Words   |  5 Pagesworld was forever changed when Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto, the ideas of a stateless and classless society would inspire many, and forge the path that many nations would follow, and give rise to numerous conflicts throughout the 20th century. Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany on May 5th 1818. During his early years he studied philosophy and law, in 1834 Marx had moved to Paris and had adopted a radical view of socialism known as communism. Marx met and became friends with a manRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1185 Words   |  5 PagesIn their work called The Communist Manifesto, which was created in 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are exploring their ideas and thoughts on the situation that was taking place in their time : the distinction that was more and more visible between two social classes - proletariat and bourgeoisie. The two authors are explaining how the bourgeoisie is exploiting the working class. They are encouraging the oppressed workers to rise and to confront this injustice in order to make their life betterRead MoreMarx And Engels : The Communist Manifesto896 Words   |  4 PagesThe Communist Manifesto had little influence when it was first published, in 1848. Marx and Engels start out the document with the phrase, â€Å"[a] specter is haunting Europe – the specter of communism† (Marx and Engels, 14). Marx and Engels are referring to the fear of communism that was spreading in Europe. The fear towards communism, first surfaced by groups that were attempting to flaunt enormous power, saw the risk of their interests being affected; therefore, they promoted a generalized panic thatRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1112 Words   |  5 PagesFail- Past, Present, and Future Karl Marx was born in Prussia in 1818. Later in his life he became a newspaper editor and his writings ended up getting him expelled by the Prussian authorities for its radicalism and atheism (Perry 195). He then met Fredrich Engels and together they produced The Communist Manifesto in 1848, for the Communist League. This piece of writing basically laid out Marx’s theory of history in short form (Coffin 623). The Communist Manifesto is mainly revolved around how societyRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1094 Words   |  5 Pagesthe rich and the oppressed would battle the oppressor. During the time â€Å"The Communist Manifesto† was written, we can see two distinct classes battling out as well. These two classes are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. According to Karl Marx in â€Å"The Communist Manifesto†, the battle will end â€Å"either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes† (Marx 8). Marx argues that in the end the proletariat would remain because the bourgeoisie areRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx is undoubtedly one the the most influential and controversial writers in modern history; Robert Tucker, a noted political scientist at Princeton University, once asserted, â€Å"[Marx] profoundly affected ideas about history, society, economics, ideology, culture, and politics [and] about the nature of social inquiry itself. No other intellectual influence has so powerfully shaped the mind of modern left-wing radicalism in most parts of the world.† (9). Indeed, his innumerable works, in particularRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Essay1426 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx is undoubtedly one the most influential and controversial writers in modern history; Robert Tucker, a noted political scientist at Princeton University, once asserted, â€Å"[Marx] profoundly affected ideas about hi story, society, economics, ideology, culture, and politics [and] about the nature of social inquiry itself. No other intellectual influence has so powerfully shaped the mind of modern left-wing radicalism in most parts of the world.† (9). Indeed, his innumerable works, in particularRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1453 Words   |  6 PagesIn the Communist Manifesto, a document that first proclaimed the ideology of communism itself, Marx declared that the â€Å"history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles† (Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels). As a man who spurred resentment of governments and inspired revolutionaries, Karl Marx is often regarded as a man who led to the rise of 20th century tyrannical dictators such as Stalin and Mao to take power. His ideas are regarded as failures and, by some, are seen as

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Research And Evidence Of PICO Hand Washing Alcohol Final

Question : Section 1: identification of appropriate research design Using the question from assignment 1(or an amended version) and scholarly literature to support your discussion, identify and explain : (1) What type of questions you are asking ? (2) The mostSuitable research design to answer this question ? (3) AnyEthical consideration that would need to be addressed in order to carry out such a study ? Section 2: Evaluation of a research article Find an original research article that provides evidence to answer the question. Using the scholarly literature to support your work, answer the following questions: (1)What is the study design used in the article? (2) What methods did the researcher use to collect and analysis their data and why ? (3) What are theKey finding of the study ? Answer : Section 1: identification of appropriate research design The concern of hygiene and cleanliness is crucial for the health restoration as well as management purpose. The concern of patient safety and avoidance of acquired infection can be maintained with the regulation of proper hand washing problem. The reason being that most of the bacterial and other viral infection are communicable with hands soiled with infection and contaminants containing pathogenic stains or spores of the pathogen. Alcohol or spirit is believed to be an effective agent as disinfectant or agent having potential to kill the pathological agents. It is thus a wise concern to use this agent for handing rubbing either as a solvent, or in combination with other solvent as hand agent (Hugonnet, 2002, pp.1037). In this regard, the question of concern, being, Is alcohol based hand rub as effective as hand washing? (1)The questioning for the concern is related to the efficacy and effectiveness of incorporating alcohol in the preparation of hand washing agents (Israel, Schulz, Parker Becker, 1998, pp.173). In general this can be related to a qualitative intervention type of question, where the effectiveness of alcohol based hand rubs will be measured and assessed. The assessment should be thus based on two particular concerns, one being the type of alcohol suitable for the use of hand washing agents. Likewise, the second concern being the efficacy of alcohol rubs in comparison to normal soap and water for the purpose of hand washing. (2)The suitable research design can be made in conjunction to questioning the health care professionals, especially the nurses and other staff. This will help in giving an idea and the associated risk of the disease and hospital acquired infection, in the routine practice. it is hence the efficacy and efficiency of alcohol based hand rubs can be evaluated. It is hence the clinical and specific health related concerns as well as the hygiene satisfaction, maintenance of the health conditions and prevention of risk of infection in any situation can be measured with the help of such intervention approach. Other than this, there does also exist, a scope of quantitative infection, where the reduction in the numbers of hospital acquired infection and maintenance of infection free conditions can be assessed. It is important to note that such consideration and approach will take a lengthening time, compared to question based research. (3)For the intervention related research, randomized controlled test should be thus used. RCTs being the most valid form of research where the accuracy and validity of the results can be used as evidence in future scope of research and practice (Becker, Bryman Ferguson, 2012). Furthermore, the consideration of the unbiased control group of study can be incorporated within such design, which is analogues to second position in the hierarchy of evidence based research and facts. This will not only include the ideology and facts from health care professionals as other public can contribute to this health related intervention. The research can also be carried out with the inclusion of patient community under the scope of qualitative based intervention of questions. Section 2: Evaluation of a research article For the scope of research article reading and evaluation, the research paper adopted is, Effectiveness of alcohol-based hand disinfectants in a public administration: Impact on health and work performance related to acute respiratory symptoms and diarrhea (Nils-Ofal et al, 2010, pp. 250). (1)In the said research article, the authors have used intervention control group for the purpose of study, where the epidemiological and economical characteristics where considered for the assessment of alcohol based hand disinfectant study. The type of study can be referred to as RCTs, which was based on quantitative assessment. The research was devised to be carried out in the form of questionnaire and is helpful in collected quantitative inference. The study was carried out in conjunction to workplace, where the prospective, controlled and specific group was considered for the execution of the study. The work was confirmed with the help of statistical significance of the results and was based on significance level of results. (2)The randomized control study used by the authors in the execution of said study was well discussed in the above section. This study can be said as an example of qualitative study, since the corresponding results were based on numerical inference. It was found that the volunteers working in the public administrative services of the municipality corporation was divided into two groups. It is hence one group was given alcohol-based hand washing agent and the group act as control without any alcohol content in the hand washing agents. The intervention questions were based on the gastrointestinal and respiratory related diseases on monthly basis for a period of one year. In total, the total number of people evaluated for the purpose were 1230 person months. For the ethical consideration, the volunteers involved in the study were declared with written consent for the participation. In total 134 people were included in the study. More importantly, it was found in the paper, that the indi viduals using the hand wash in regular manner were exempted from the study, whereas those, which are not using the hand washing agents, were involved in the study. Regarding the use of alcohol, two types of alcohol were used, such as Amphisept E (containing ethanol) was used which have antibacterial, antifungal and virus inactivating agents. Other than this, the participants facing some problem related to skin infection, such as redness, dryness and itching were supplied with Sterillium containing 1-propanol (30% w/w), 2-propanol (45% w/w) and mecetronium etilsulfate. The information of the study as collected with the help of intervention studies were based on the health aspects related to respiratory and gastrointestinal infection case were asked routinely on monthly basis for a year. All these results were correlated with control group, where the hand wash agent do not contain alcohol content. The analysis of the results were made with the help of statistical tools and parameters applied over the results. The popular method used for the study were ANOVA and MANOVA for the analysis of variance. Other non-parametric analysis were made with the help of Puri and Sens L-statistic analysis. The significance level of the parameters were carried out with the significance level of p = 0.05. r2 was also used for the analysis which was calculated as ration of statistical significance (from regression analysis) and statistical significance (from total correlation). (3)With the help of presented research study, the authors were able to find the effectiveness of the alcohol based hand-washing agents over the diseases such as respiratory agents and gastrointestinal infection. It was evidenced from the results that the hand-washing agents or disinfection agents have a positive influence over the reduction in number of ills health condition or occurrence of such incidents. The incidents of the infection episodes are less when there are alcoholic contents included within the hand-washing agents, compared to those agents which is used for control group. These reduction in the incidents of ill health conditions are similar in both summer as well as winter season. Whereas the epidemic level of seasonal occurrence of the infection related to respiratory and gastrointestinal upset is same as usual. The impact of such hand washing practices also increases the efficacy and output of office work was found to be increasing, owing to the reduced infection episodes. On the contrary, the number of ill working days and taking leave was found to have no correlation with the health condition and improved health practices with alcohol based hand-rubbing agents. The reason for the same was not being discussed by the authors, probably because it is beyond the scope of the research. Whereas, the hypothesis, which was based on the assumption that alcohol based hand rubs have incidents of reducing the infection agents and acquired infection. It is also important to discuss the limitation and the drawbacks of any research. Inclusion of such contents in RCTs increases the validity, robustness and accuracy of the research work. In the mentioned research work, the authors have mentioned that many of the minute practices were not considered in the study, such as time of washing, number of washing in a day, way of washing and other related activities. Similarly, the infectious disease and disorders, which take more time for disposition and takes longer time to heal, such as sinusitis or bronchitis are not included within the scope. The positive part of the research work and corresponding results supports that the use of hand washing agents, especially containing the alcohol contents where key players in controlling the transfer of community acquired infection related to viral and bacterial contaminations. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that the present paper put emphasis over the concern of hand washing practices in conjunction to the control of acquired infection. Furthermore, for the increase in efficacy of the hand washing agents, the incorporation of alcoholic agents in the disinfectant agents are studied. The ethical consideration and the use of prospective and controlled groups is necessary for the execution of such research work. The importance of selecting randomized control trials and analysis of PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcomes) approach was used for the illustration of research work (Huang, Lin Demner-Fushman, 2006, pp.359). The said concept was thus based on the framed question, which is elucidation of the effectiveness of alcohol based hand rubs for the purpose of controlling acquired infection and communicable diseases. The importance of the hypothesis and the example, similar to the research proposal was addressed with the help of similar research work. From the illustrated paper, the method of research design, the hypothesis, and other similar methods were helpful for understanding purpose. Furthermore, the design of control groups, the methods used for the extraction of the information, collection and subsequent analysis for obtaining significant results were understood. Notably the use of statistical tools for the analysis of results was also displayed and learned from the presented research article. Concisely the incorporation of analysis and literature review of this kind helps in clear understanding and identification of the approach as how to design and execute a research of similar kind. In conjunction to the adopted theme of research work, it can be said that hygienic practice for health management is always effective in preventing many communicable and infectious diseases. Use of alcohol based hand-washing agents in this regard proved to be effective against said viral and bacterial infections. References: BECKER, S., BRYMAN, A., FERGUSON, H. (Eds.). 2012. Understanding research for social policy and social work: themes, methods and approaches. Policy Press. HUANG, X., LIN, J., DEMNER-FUSHMAN, D. 2006. Evaluation of PICO as a knowledge representation for clinical questions. In AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings (Vol. 2006, p. 359). American Medical Informatics Association. HBNER, N. O., HBNER, C., WODNY, M., KAMPF, G., KRAMER, A. 2010. Effectiveness of alcohol-based hand disinfectants in a public administration: impact on health and work performance related to acute respiratory symptoms and diarrhoea. BMC infectious diseases, 10(1), 250. HUGONNET, S., PERNEGER, T. V., PITTET, D. 2002. Alcohol-based handrub improves compliance with hand hygiene in intensive care units. Archives of Internal Medicine, 162(9), 1037-1043. ISRAEL, B. A., SCHULZ, A. J., PARKER, E. A., BECKER, A. B. 1998. Review of community-based research: assessing partnership approaches to improve public health. Annual review of public health, 19(1), 173-202.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Religion and the Founding of the American Republic free essay sample

G. K. Chesterton depicts the early republic as a nation with the soul of a church 1 meaning that America was founded on religious principles. Many of those who came to the colonies did so for religious refuge from the Church of England. Although there were many independent religious groups in the new colonies, the commonality they shared was the desire to practice their separate beliefs. This religious foundation influenced the political and social structure of the colonies as they became an independent and separate nation from Great Britain. Colonists seeking religious efuge from England characterized the early days of the American colonies. Religious freedom was the unifying factor among colonists coming to America to escape persecution from The Church of England. The Monarchy left very little room for individuality or independence among religious groups, thus groups such as the Puritans and Roman Catholics came to America seeking refuge from persecution. They were seeking a place where they would have the opportunity to share and practice their religious beliefs. We will write a custom essay sample on Religion and the Founding of the American Republic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This common ground of religious refuge was a crucial catalyst in the American Revolution. However, because there was no monarchy forcing the citizenry to conform to one religion, division was created among colonists. Puritans wishing to cleanse the Church of England from Catholic influence commonly came into conflict with Roman Catholics, many times persecuting or even banishing them from the region in some cases. In the case of Puritans in Massachusetts who were not tolerant of any other religious group, Presbyterians, Baptists, and Quakers were banished and Catholics were not accepted. The same happened with Virginian Anglicans saying if not our religion, no religion. 2 This intolerance led toa separation between people, which inevitably weakened America. The founders of America realized the success of Pennsylvania with its emphasis on separation of church and state. People were given the choice of which religion to follow without the government interfering or persecuting them. Religion in the early republic was the base for politics and government. A new structure of government had to be formed in the new nation, as they were no longer governed by a monarchy. It was agreed that the former political structure did not work and an entirely new government run y the people, for the people was necessary for the future success of America. Congress was both a supporting and an opposing force of Christianity and religion. Laws requiring the population as a whole to attend church and be catechized by ministers were enforced to keep a strong Christian influence in American society, as well as the printing of the first English language Bibles, authorized by Congress. Government was not always in favor of freedom of religion, especially on the state level. In New Amsterdam, the Dutch governor, not in support of welcoming all religions as William Penn was, tried to make free worship difficult for Jews. In Maryland staunch Puritans deported Catholic leaders to England as prisoners after inspiration from the English Civil War and later attempted to outlaw the Catholic governments were often not as open to ideas as each region had a different religious sect that was not accepting of other groups. Pennsylvania was a prime and isolated example of a state that welcomed all religious groups without persecution. Congress was extremely influenced by Christianity, as shown by their adoption of a covenant theology which said that there was a sort of contract between man and God whereas God would use punishment as payment for his sins and reward him with blessings for his faithfulness. The war with Britain was seen through the covenant theology as a punishment from God for Americas sins. America as a whole had to recognize Gods overruling Providence, the war and the evils that caused it, confess and repent of their sins, and look for deliverance from God. Perhaps this is why Congress stressed America as a whole remaining Christian. Religion in America also supported the American Revolution for independence as stated by Charles Mayhew: Resistance to a tyrant [is] a glorious Christian duty3. The yearning for religious freedom, regardless of which group of Christianity they were a part of, united colonists. Without this desire, the American Revolution would never have occurred, or at the very least would have been postponed many years. If they had been satisfied with complying to British law and Joining the Church of England there never would have been a sense of urgency to separate for their religion. It was the need to follow their own individual set of beliefs that sparked a revolutionary attitude. Preachers of the time used religion combined with politics to incite this patriotic feeling in colonists hat caused the Revolution. To a certain extent one could say America was founded on religious freedom, however this is not entirely true. The majority of colonists did come to America to practice their religious beliefs. The Pilgrims who were Puritans had tried to purify the Church of England, but were rejected and persecuted because of it. They came to Massachusetts for refuge. There is an ironic tone in the fact that people came to escape religious persecution though because upon arriving, the Puritans persecuted groups such as the Catholics, Baptists, and Quakers. In Maryland, like stated above, Baptists, Presbyterians, and Quakers were all banished and an attempt was made to go as far as outlawing Catholicism. Anne Hutchinson, the first female religious leader, was banished from Boston and had to seek refuge in Rhode Island due to the fact that she did not conform to Puritan thought. Despite America being a place of refuge for martyred peoples, persecution still made its way through. There were few places in early America such as Pennsylvania that were actually accepting of all religious groups. It is obvious that early America was a place ounded on religion, however, it is less evident that it was a Christian nation. Colonists did come because they did not want to follow any government mandated religion, they wanted to follow what they thought was the true religion, showing that Christianity was important to them. In fact they felt their belief was the right belief so strongly that they were willing to fght their mother country which was much larger, more established, and prepared than they were, to protect their right to religious freedom. A personal relationship with God was also more important to colonists. Like in the Protestant Reformation, colonists wanted not to be told what to believe, they wanted to believe what their denomination believed. The point can be made though that many American colonists simply followed their religion because that is what example, was not colonized by religiously passionate people but mainly by businessmen chasing money and power. Religious people did not always portray Christian characteristics either, shown in the mistreatment of Native Americans and other religious groups. In the case of the Puritans who persecuted other religious roups that came to America for similar reasons, they did not show Christ-like tolerance and kindness as the Quakers did. They were not entirely unified under Christ either as the Bible commands. Religion in the Early Republic can be classified in several ways. It was generic in that Congress supported religion and Christian principles nationwide. Unlike Englands monarchy which supported only the Church of England, Congress supported Christianity as a whole, not a specific denomination of Christianity. The concept of religious freedom unifying colonists of early America is lso relatively general. They were not unified as being all Quakers seeking religious refuge or only Catholics, they were unified by their separate identities. Because they did not want one religion forced upon them, their individual groups bound them. However, religion was also specific in many ways. Each state or region had its own specific religious group. Massachusetts was dominated by Puritans, as were many of the northern states. Maryland was a struggle between Catholics and Puritans. Pennsylvania was a melting pot of smaller denominations that were persecuted by he Puritans. Each group had a set of distinct convictions that they were willing to fght for. Denominations such as the Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics were very orthodox. Each group had a variation of orthodox and minimalist believers however. Puritans were very strict in their belief system and truly wanted to have a pure religion. Quakers and Catholics also uncompromisingly followed their beliefs as well though. However, Virginia which was mainly colonized by businessmen, was more minimalist in its approach, beliefs and practices, as most attended church because it as socially acceptable, not because they were pursuing knowledge of the Bible. Men such as Benjamin Franklin, who was thought to be a deist, are also minimalist.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Diversity and Groups

It is difficult to accomplish a collective objective while working in solitude, team work is a fundamental element of an organization. All units within the organization should be created to work as a team since it is detrimental if all units choose to work independently. Introducing teamwork spirit in the hotel would enable easy assembly of manpower comprising varied talents, expertise and experience.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Diversity and Groups specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite all the positive attributes of team spirit, there are also impending negative elements that come to fore i.e. prejudice and differences. Marriot hotel would therefore be mandated to encourage members to look at diversity as an important asset. Organizations require operations under open-culture where employees are encouraged to express their perceived ideas concerning a situation. Ideas should be subjected to an all inclus ive fair process that allows for adoption or rejection (Gill, 1996). Cultural diversity in such set-up would refer to various cultural differences existing amongst people within hotel and hospitality industry. Such differences normally include aspects of language, dressing, traditional values, religion as well as nature of societal interactions with prevailing environment. For success to be realized within such dynamic environment, attention should be given to the various dimensions of diversity which incorporates issues such as nature of communication style, various religious practices, existing relationships as well as traditional values and customs. The aspect of resilience training within such set-ups is recommended since it ensures that the attitude, approach, and individual performance remain on the positive trend. Individual and factions resiliency is a necessity within organizations since such qualities assist workers in copping with various workplace challenges (Jeremy, 200 4). Diversities existing amongst employees can be managed well through transformational leadership. In this case, management team is expected to offer appropriate training to all employees in the language they understand best. This would ensure adequate understanding of organizational goals and operations within hotel industry at large. Such processes ensure that employees are granted enough opportunity concerning possible solutions required in case of any emergency in the workplace. Management should ensure that all employees are capable of interpreting organizational objectives, as well as development programs. Vigorous training exercises would ensure development of cohesiveness amongst employees, hence ability to dispense their duties with integrity (D’Annunzio, 1997).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Leadership and Emotions Leadership is an integral component of a ny institution and is not only mandatory at the top echelons but is also required at every level as you move down the ladder of the organization structure. The kind of leadership that is desired in an organization is that which initiates and implements transforming policies. By observing the day to day occurrences in an institution a leader should be able to explore alternative ways of improving efficiency in operations. A leader should be in a position to command beneficial influence either by his personality or by status (Kellerman, 2010). Leaders are ,at the same time, expected to work diligently with integrity while pursuing organizational goals. Another definition of leadership is that it is a manner of conduct that persuades the team involved into labour for the realization of the institution’s objectives (Linda, 1996). According to this definition, leadership is more action oriented than it is about personality. Leadership should be able to generate team player’ s fulfilment and boost their participation. Employee relationships should be based upon maturity of their emotional intelligence. This is since such considerations lead to healthy interactions in the work place. Emotional intelligence is an integral part of leadership and should be incorporated in building organization’s work ethics, as well as individual self-awareness. This is since leadership based on self-awareness is result-oriented and can be traced back to healthy organizational relationships (Diaz, 2005). Employees should be taken through stages of development which would ensure development of suitable leadership traits. Such transformation focuses on various characteristics that would act as preferred qualifications. The principle of recognition should be maintained as part of this process. At the same time, hiring process should be done through internal promotion. Management leadership that exemplifies distinctive skills within the organization should be rewarded th rough appropriate incentives (Diaz, 2005). This should have the ability of depicting good leadership within Marriott, since parts of the hotel’s core values include readiness to accept and implement change. The organization should at the same time consider adopting new ideas for the purposes of giving better services to clients (Ellis and Harper, 1997).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Diversity and Groups specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References D’Annunzio, G 1997, â€Å"Developing international managers in the hospitality industry,†Ã‚  International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.2, No.1, pp.199-208 Diaz, J 2005, Why Self Awareness is so important, PDF file, Web. Ellis, A Harper, R 1997, A Guide to Rational Living, Wilshire, Hollywood Gill, P 1996, â€Å"Managing workforce diversity – a response to skill shortages?†Ã‚  Health Manpower Management Journ al, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 34 -37 Jeremy, T 2004, â€Å"How to increase diversity through your recruitment practices,†Ã‚  Industrial and Commercial Training Journal, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp.158 – 161 Kellerman, B 2010, Leadership: Essential selections on power, authority and Influence, McGraw-Hill, New York Linda, H 1996, â€Å"Managing workforce diversity: a critique and example from South Africa,† International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 46 – 64Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This report on Diversity and Groups was written and submitted by user Alessandro Conrad to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Chocolate and Confectionery Industry of Pakistan

Chocolate and Confectionery Industry of Pakistan Free Online Research Papers Confectionery and Chocolate industry of Pakistan in 2009 is an analysis of branded (domestically produced) confectionery and chocolate market of Pakistan. The article reveals close estimates of sales turn over of major active players in the industry. It also examines contemporary trends in the local confectionery and chocolate market, with an emphasis on providing some useful information about the structure, norms, challenges and competitive landscape of the industry. Before proceeding to our core topic, it would not be unwise to have a look at the snapshot of country’s socio-economic indicators. Pakistan- Snapshot: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a medium size, densely populated country with over 170 million people living in 796,095 square kilometres. With respect to population and area, Pakistan stands at no. 7 and no.43 respectively among the nations of the world. It is located at Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea, between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan on the west and China in the north. Pakistan, an impoverished and underdeveloped country, has suffered from decades of internal political disputes, low levels of foreign investment, and declining exports of manufactures. Faced with untenable budgetary deficits, high inflation, and haemorrhaging foreign exchange reserves. During 2004-07 GDP growth has been within the range of 6-8%. Inflation remains the top concern among the public, jumping from 7.7% in 2007 to 20.8% in 2008, primarily because of rising world fuel and commodity prices. In addition, the Pakistani rupee has depreciated significantly as a result of political and economic instability. Confectionery and Chocolate Industry – An overview: Despite Pakistan’s confectionery and chocolate industry has enjoyed an emerging and growing trend in the recent past yet its size and growth pattern has been far inconsequential compared to other countries of Asia-pacific region. The industry has grown with an average annual rate of 6.5 to 7.5 % during 2002-2008. Domestic brands dominate the market accounting for more than 85% of total value sales of the industry. The industry as a whole can be divided between two broader sectors namely organized sector (branded segment) and un-organized sectors (generic segment). The branded segment is more of monopolistic in nature where there are nine prominent, active players in the competitive landscape of this sector. However 80% of the industry’s share is being enjoyed by the five companies listed below. A brief overview of major companies’ estimated annual sales in PKR (1 US$= 83 PKR) is as follows: Company name Major Product lines Major brands Estimated annual turn-over PKR.(1US$=83PKR) Share % Hilal Candy, Bubble, Jellies, Chocolates, Beans, powder Drinks, Supari Ding Dong Bubble, Fresh up bubble, Tulsi, AamRus, Kopra candy Limopani 3.5 billion 26% Ismail Industries Ltd.(Candyland) Jellies, candies, lollypops, Chocolates, Biscuits, Snacks etc. Chillimili, Fanty candy, Now, Bisconi Chocolito, Cocomo, Snack city, Sonnet 2.8 billion 21% B.P sweets Jellies, candies, lollypops, Chocolates, Biscuits, Bread, Snacks etc. Spacer, Dolphin Jellies, B.P Lollies, Dream Chocolates etc. 1.7 billion 13% Cadbury’s Chocolates(Countlines and Moulded) Toffees, Chewable mint candies Dairy Milk Chocolate, Éclairs, Softmint, Velvet 1.5 billion 11% Kidco Bubbles candies, lollypops, Chocolates etc. 4ever, Centro-bubble, Lollies, Punch candy, Chox 1.20 billion 9% Mayfair Candies, Toffees, Creamers, Amrood candy, Éclair, Cafe biscuit 0.8 billion 6% Mitchell’s(only Confectionery Chocolates) Groceries ( Squashes, Jams, sauces, Chocolates- Moulded and Countlines , Toffees and candies Milk Toffee, Fruit BonBon, Butter Scotch, Jubilee, Golden Hearts 0.70 billion 5% DanPak Bubble Gum, Lolly Pops, Candies Chini mini, Fresh’ O bubble, Choco Bisco, Milko Sip 0.70 billion 5% Sweet Hills Candies, Toffees Dr. Milk, NutKut, Love candy , Cow 0.50 billion 4% TOTAL 13.4 Billion PKR Confectionery and Chocolate Market – An overview Characteristics: The branded confectionery and chocolate market is highly price elastic and growing with the bulk of sales concentrated in mid-price range products. Urban markets account for the major share and also for a higher penetration rate. Various retail price points exist within the mass market segment of chocolates between the range of PKR 3-25. In Sugar Confectionery major running confectionery items fall into the retail price segment of Rs. 0.50-1.00. The efforts made for the induction of Rs.2 Confectionery unit by industry giants have gone into vain so far. However Rs. 2 and 3 are popular price points for lolly pops and chocolates range. The industry has faced â€Å"coin-barrier† issue in sugar confectionery products at least three times during last three decades when all key players unanimously agreed to increase their products’ price due to escalating prices of raw materials (first from 25 paisa to 50 paisa- in mid 80’s, than 50 paisa to Rs. 1 †“ in mid 90’s and lastly from Rs.1 to Rs.2-in late 2008) whereby the active players of the industry were compelled to raise their prices not less than any thing but 100% because next jump to coin / price denomination was such that they had no way out. It would be interesting for the readers to learn that such moves however have always been proved to be a â€Å"bitter pill† for the industry as it brought immense resistance from consumers and trade. In some of the cases decline in sales as a reaction of price increase was so huge that it forced to leading brands to take their decision back yet they were not able to retrieve their original volumes again. Mitchell’s Milk Toffees and Kidco 4ever are classic examples. To avoid and defer this situation (up to last extend) pro-active companies in Pakistani confectionery industry adopt three kinds of strategies , without reducing or with slightly reducing trade margins, namely Reduce the no. of units per pack, unit siz e, and packaging ( in an endeavour to reduce cost) Compromising in product quality by reducing qty and/or quality of expensive raw material. By using close substitute that is available relatively at cheaper price as a replacement of expensive raw materials. Distribution and Selling strategy: About (70-80) % sugar confectionery and chocolate sales generate through wholesale channel depending upon the nature of product and strategies of manufacturing companies. Almost all but precisely Hilal and B.P rely much on wholesale channel to generate bulk chunk of their total sales. To support their sales through this channel they advertise heavily on electronic media to create brand pull for their brands and subsequently it force retailers to buy these brands from whole sale. The underlying reason behind limited coverage in retail sector by these two companies is they do not have premium priced items that could yield sufficient revenues to make retail distribution viable for their distribution partners so they do a limited coverage in retail sector. Since these companies themselves do not emphasize on retail penetration so their distributors also take an escape route and adopt the way of easy selling through WS. However there are companies like Cadbury, Candyland, Mitchell’s and Mayfair that are fully aware of the importance of retail penetration .Hence these companies pay due importance and attention to retail coverage and subsequently allocate resources for retail sector. As stated earlier the emphasis of Hilal and B.P has always been on building consumer pull through mass media advertising ( mostly through television) and pushing their brands through wide-spread network of distributors and wholesalers throughout the nation . This combination of â€Å"Push Pull â€Å" has proved to be a successful tool in their cases because the nature of their brands also support this strategy as they produce products of mass market with as low price as Rs.1 , 2 and beyond. Because of this pricing strategy their products are equally popular in rural and urban towns among middle and lower middle class. B.P and Hilal having this advantage enjoy the benefits of a wide-spread distribution network in 300+ towns and over 350 dist ributors nation wide (as they have more than one distributors in some towns). They always try to adopt cost leadership strategy and generate revenues through high volumes of sales. Frequent launches, re-launches, re-introduction of old brands with slight modifications, withdrawals, adjustments in packaging, product designing and even recipe change are a common phenomenon in the brands of these two major companies. Contrary to this Cadbury’s , Candyland and Mitchell’s believe on establishing brands and brand equity and therefore protraction of quality up to last possible extend remains their top priority. Popular Brands , Price point and Trades’ margins: Popular Brands: In hard-boiled (candy) category: Price range 0.50 paisa-Re.1: Fanty (Candyland), AamRus (Hilal), Choran Chatni (Hilal), Kopra candy (Hilal), 4ever (Kidco), Butter Scotch (Candyland) and (Mitchell’s), Amrood (Mayfair), Creamers (Mayfair) and Fruit Bonbons (Mitchell’s) are famous brands. In soft-boiled (Toffees) category: Price range 0.50 paisa-Re.1: Spacer (B.P) – a brand of 450- 500 million PKR, Milk Toffee (Mitchell’s)- brand worth over 250 million PKR and Éclairs (Cadbury’s) can be ranked top three among others in this category. As of today (August 2010) there hardly exist any 50 paisa confectionery unit, those that were available, have been switched to Rs.1 price point. In Lolly Pops: Price range Re.2- Rs.3/- : twin-lolly (B.P), Paint n Pop (B.P), Kidco Pop (Kidco), Funny Bunny (Candyland) are popular among consumers. In Enrobed Chocolate category: Price range Re.1- Rs.5/- : Jubilee (Mitchell’s), 5 Star ( Cadbury) Perk (Cadbury’s), Now (Candyland), Dream (B.P), Choco Dip (B.P), Kat Kat (B.P) Unitee (Mitchell’s), Sonnet (Candyland), Luxuree (Mitchell’s), Chox (Kidco) and Paradise (Candyland) enjoy major share in the market. In Moulded Chocolate category: Price range Re.2- Rs.10/- :Dairy Milk (Cadbury’s), Cone (B.P), Mr. Bear (B.P) Twin Rabbit (B.P), Golden Hearts ( Mitchell’s), Velvet (Cadbury’s) are famous among other brands. In Bubble: Rs.1: Ding Dong (Hilal) in Rs. 1 and recently launched in Rs. 2 as well. The brand has worth about 1000 million PKR, Fresh Up (Hilal) – retail Rs.5/-, Tiger (Mayfair) and Kidco Bubble, Centro (Kidco) are leading brands. Though retailer’s margin varies from companies to companies and product to product but generally acceptable margin in local items for retail trade is between 15-25%. It is lower for fast-moving brands and higher in the case of slow-moving items. Drivers, Challenges and Key Trends: Drivers: Until mid 80’s chocolates was supposed to be the product of upper and upper middle class segment. In 1983 Mitchell’s Jubilee was launched first time in Pakistani market at Rs.3.50 per bar. Due to its attractive packaging, quality, affordable price and an intact media support the brand received un-matched reception and became a success story in Pakistani industry. The brand is still very popular among masses and available in three different price points at Rs.2, Rs.5 and Rs.10. In early 2000 Cadbury’s introduced quality products with affordable price. The launch of Dairy Milk (Rs.5/-), 5 Star (Rs.5/-), Velvet (Rs.5/-) and Perk (Rs.3) with attractive dispensing-chillers was the turning and revolutionary point for making chocolates the choice for every one. The role of Cadbury’s for expansion of chocolate market in Pakistan will always be written in golden words. Challenges: The most common challenges to this industry are soaring prices of raw material, high excise and import duties on raw material, high entry barrier because of strong monopolistic competition and influx of cheap imported brand through gray-Channels. Trends: Driven by marketing initiatives, consumer preferences are speedily changing in the favour of chocolates. Independent retailers and wholesalers are still the largest channel contributors however the role of International modern trade (Makro, Metro and HyperStar) is growing at the increasing rate. Foreign or imported brands are successfully targeting the lucrative premium segments in urban population. Nestle has recently revamp their sales and distribution management system through appointment of one of the leading distribution house in Pakistan. Large retailers and wholesalers have already started private imports by paying less import duties through tax evasions. The largest bakery and confectionery chain of Lahore is also considering for launching their own chocolate brands in a bid to grow their private label sales. Keeping these positive signs in mind one could expect that future of Chocolate and Confectionery market of Pakistan is promising. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Saif Dewan is a Brand, Sales and Distribution management specialist, brings with him fifteen years of blended experience of (FMCG) Sales, Marketing and Distribution Management. He has been associated with leading organizations of Pakistan including Mitchell’s and B.P sweets where he worked at strategic management positions . Dewan is presently associated with Muller Phipps Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd., as Business Development Manager. He has diverse experience in conducting strategic sales management, team building and leadership programs for organizations such as Mitchell’s, B.P Industries, Muller Phipps Pakistan, Meezan Bank, EFU General Insurance , Premier Agencies and many renowned educational institutions including University of Karachi and SZABIST etc. He received his Hons. and Master’s Degree at the University of Karachi, where he majored in economics, with marketing and management. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Electronic Methods of Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Electronic Methods of Communication - Essay Example By thoroughly discussing these four questions, we can come to a more critical and intellectual viewpoint on this subject matter. The aim of this paper is to thoroughly discuss all of this, as well as any key elements which are in relation to this issue. This is what will be dissertated in the following. A virtual office is a location which allows many people doing business to share an office address and business machines, and is a facility which often includes such things as receptionists, mail support, telephone banks, fax machines, copiers, computers, and sometimes even call answering services. With the technology currently available, business can be conducted easily from basically anywhere. The virtual office is considered as being easily one of the most important applications of the Internet, although its recognition is surely lacking. The Internet is easily the most popular communication tool which is completely changing the entire concept of what it means to be an agency. "The key to making an office virtual is enabling everyone in the agency to be able to work together as smoothly as they would if they were all physically in the same place. The Internet is beginning to make this type of integration possible because it allows rapid, low-cost communication between individual u sers and businesses." (Anderson, 2000). The virtual office is certainly a thing of popularity and efficiency; however, not everyone is a candidate for working in a virtual environment. This type of setting requires a special type of person in order to function properly; the person has to be able to work from home, and a special kind of manager is also required to effectively manage virtual employees. Largely as a result of the falling price of telecommunications and the increased sophistication of such things as relevant technology, all businesses, regardless of size, are suddenly able to take advantage of global efficiencies that were once available only to large corporations and multi-nationals. "There are a number of implications of decentralization. The integrity of corporate data can be compromised in the absence of strong data management and storage policies. The inevitable proliferation of duplicated data sent over public networks to individuals or offices in remote locations also presents significant security risks. The management of outsourced services (with well defined service level agreements) requires a different approach to those supplied from in-house, and is likely to be even more challenging when services are undertaken in a different country. Differences in culture, time zone, standards, legislation and language are the obvious ones. Deficiencies in any of these areas can lead to reputation risks as well as increasing the costs of compliance." (Evans, 2006). Is Personal Contact Even Necessary at This Point In regards to technologically speaking, it appears rather obvious that personal contact is in fact unnecessarily in most cases. However, a matter of a related issue is that of is