Thursday, August 27, 2020

Adolf Hitler Essays (1083 words) - Adolf Hitler, Paul Von Hindenburg

Adolf Hitler Feeling that everything was lost, Hitler shot himself on April 30, 1945. By orders officially given by him before his passing, SS officials drenched Hitler's body in fuel and consumed it in the nursery of the Chancellery. Not long after the self destruction of Hitler, the Germ On Easter Sunday April 20, 1889, at a hotel called the Gasth of Zum Pommer, the spouse of an Austrian Customs official brought forth a child, Adolf Hitler. He was the fourth youngster to the guardians of Alois and Klara Hitler of Austria. Hitler was a decent understudy. One of the educators in his secondary school characterized youthful Hitler as infamous, irritable, persistent, self-important, and bad tempered. He has an undeniable trouble in fitting in at school. He did alright to get by in a portion of his courses yet lacked the capacity to deal with Adolf saw no genuine motivation to remain in secondary school. He left school at age sixteen without a leaving endorsement. In September 1907, Hitler ventured out from home taking with him all the cash left to him by his dad, who had kicked the bucket a couple of years sooner. The cash would primer assessment, the candidate was approached to submit drawings. Scriptural drawings were generally liked. Hitler's drawings were brought saying back they were excessively wooden and excessively dormant. He was dismissed. He attempted a quarter of a year later and didn't get dad Hitler moved into a loft with his companion in Vienna. He professed to be an understudy living off his family members cash. He read numerous books and participated in the Austrian government meetings . Hitler discusses his life in Vienna as five years in which I had In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich. Life was very little better there until the First World War begun in 1914. While numerous individuals were terrified and pitiful at the idea of a universal war, Hitler was enchanted. He held the position of corporal, and in forty-seven b On October thirteenth 1918, a month prior to Germany gave up to the Partners, his good karma ran out. At the point when Hitler and his individual dispatch sprinters were sitting tight in line for their food proportions, British soldiers started heaving high hazardous shells close by. Some of th Hitler before long recovered utilization of his eyes, however as he was going to rejoin his regiment, he got the awful updates on Germany's give up. By and by, everything went dark before my eyes, and I tottered and grabbed my way back to where we dozed and bu As a major aspect of Hitler's activity, he examined a gathering called the German Workers' Gathering. He was appalled how the gathering had no association, despite the fact that he was for huge numbers of the gathering's thoughts. To catch up with his activity, he joined the gathering to ensure t Hitler at last discovered his ability as an extraordinary speaker. He first got mindful of his ability while instructing at the University of Munich. At the point when he talked, he held his crowds hypnotized. He would some of the time lose five pounds a night by getting so dynamic in his He convinced the other party individuals to lease perhaps the biggest lobby in Munich?one that situated at any rate 2,000 individuals. There Hitler set of rundown of expectations to the German government. Point twenty-five stated, For current society, a goliath with feet of cl Ernst Rohm, a companion of Hitler's, sorted out a gathering of tempest troopers for Hitler. The German name for storm troopers was Storm Abtcilung, or SA for short. They first beat and murdered hecklers at Nazi speakings. When there were no hecklers, they discovered Je By the late spring of 1923, the Nazi party had developed to 150,000 individuals. With the Nazi development developing so quickly, Hitler realized the time had come to make out of here Germany. November 11, 1923 appeared to be an ideal time for Hitler to make the get for power. It was Hitler caught the administration heads and constrained them to go along with him. His 3,000 men at that point walked to Berlin trying to take it over. The German police were pausing. Shots were discharged and sixteen nazis also, two police officers lay dead. Hundreds more were w The preliminary was a political carnival. Hitler was permitted to represent hours one after another. During one of his talks he stated, It is the External Court of History ... That court will judge us ... as Germans who needed the best for their kin and their fatherla Hitler served just nine months of his five-year sentence. The watchmen gave him a set-up of a few abutting

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Current Knowledge in Spatial Thinking in Geography Essay

Current Knowledge in Spatial Thinking in Geography - Essay Example Passing by Eliot’s portrayal, it is advantageous to take note of that scholarly information extrapolates far much past observational data or straightforward tactile. In the field of topography, this augmentation is all around showed somewhat in the different types of portrayal. Such models become basic in summing up, breaking down and translation to unload spatial presence and social qualities (Bednarz and Lee, 2011). Towards the late twentieth century, there has been a huge deviation in the idea of geographic information. In its history as a control, geographic information has been revelatory, in this way concentrating on assortment and portrayal of the physical and human events dependent on presence. During this period, there has been a change from the stock ruled practice. The new regulation looked for the making of information through the accentuation on psychological requests. Such requests tried to deliver the inquiries with respect to why and how notwithstanding what an d where labels that at first cross examined. Thusly, the collection of geographic information has changed to thing change, highlight and circulation coordinating progressively just as thing control. Such a move has empowered the arrangement of errands, for example, understanding spatial co-linearity either in negative or positive directions. In addition, the intelligent, inductive and deductive surmising has considered the acknowledgment of geographic affiliations. This better approach for thinking and thinking, thusly, required the advancement of new information, new portrayal strategies, new methods of spatial examination and understanding. All the more significantly, the new reasoning and thinking necessitated that geographers must think about various orders. Customarily, the order of topography has given various general training courses. Physical topography acquaints understudies with frameworks of the earth including anthropogenic and physical components that shape the earth. T hen again, human geology gives an understanding into the examples of human exercises in a scope of scales. Be that as it may, not many of such broad instruction perspectives underline quantitative taking care of issues and innovation. Accordingly, it is basic for geographers to instill parts of spatial proficiency and thinking in establishments of learning (Bednarz and Lee, 2011). As per Goodchild (2007), spatial education is the capacity to catch and convey information as a graphical portrayal and understanding, perceiving and deciphering designs. With this respect, he calls attention to that topography isn't only a rundown of spots on the planet. The estimation of topography must be accomplished by sorting out and finding data. Also, its value as an order can be acknowledged by grasping such essential data as scale and spatial goals. As called attention to in National Research Council (NRC) report, Learning to Think Spatially, it is foremost to completely prepare up and coming age of understudies with spatial education in order to work and live in the 21st century. At last, spatial reasoning is an essential piece of the accomplishment of the understudies. Living creatures and their prompt environmental factors are arranged in space. Human-condition connections must be fathomed as far as areas, shapes, bearings, separations, and examples (NRC, 2006).â

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Find a Good Essay Topic Example

How to Find a Good Essay Topic ExampleEssay topic examples can be very helpful if you're having a difficult time coming up with an essay topic. Sometimes all it takes is a few examples of topics that have worked for other students. It might even be something that a professor has handed you, especially if you're the type of student who can't come up with their own idea for an essay topic. Other times, though, you might not have any examples and the topic you've come up with could be totally useless to you.Topics are usually grouped into several categories. These include standard topics such as science, current events, religion, politics, and movies. There are also topics that are considered difficult. These could be different topics, including history, society, poetry, or even how to cook and bake a pie. Most difficult topics might not have many examples at all.Many times students will have essay topic examples from past papers that they've written. They'll think that the topic would work well in a paper, but they might not have any examples to base it off of. They might also be too embarrassed to tell their professor about a topic that might not work out.If you have no ideas for a topic and you're trying to come up with one, it's time to take a look at some topics that have worked in the past. This could include something that a professor might have given you when you were in high school, or a personal experience that you've had.Some essay topic examples might be a book report on a famous author, a biography, a field trip that you took, or even a work of literature. Since so many things might be coming to mind, you might want to take a look at some topics that have been successful in the past and see if you can get ideas from them.Topics that have been successful in the past may have been in your class or some other topic that was assigned to you. This is why it's so important to be able to get some ideas for topics to try when you're writing your paper.One thi ng that previous students have written about can be very useful. You could go online and look at previous essays and see what topics people have used. You can also look at other essays and see what topics they've used.If you need some ideas for a student's essay, it's a good idea to look back through previous papers and see what other students have used. This way, you'll have ideas to use when you're writing your own essay.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Biomedical Informatics Is It The Smooth Communication...

Biomedical Informatics begins to make the smooth communication process where the health care system can manage to do daily task. In this technological era, every sector is merging with the technical field, which is actually becoming important for healthcare systems to revamping medical systems. In the early age of computers, biomedical computing was the attempt to construct a system that would assist a physician in decision making. From late 1970’s to early 1980’s personal computer become available, which makes progress in biomedical computing research to continue to be tied to the availability of funding from either government or commercial source. Development of human-interface technology that matches the data processing power of computers with cognitive capability of human begins to formulate insightful questions and to interpret data is still a rate-limiting step (Tang and Patel, 1994). According to Shortliffe (2014), many countries successfully transform healthcare by adopting Biomedical Informatics. Where U.S has have a much lower adoption rate of EHRs compared to other developed countries. The U.S. transforming health care system by promoting development of a nationwide Health IT infrastructure since 2004. Which allows for electronic use and exchange of information. Most of the healthcare institution are encouraged by the Health Information Technology (HIT) and US Government to develop an integrated computer based information management environment to use electronicShow MoreRelatedIntroduction. Epic Epiccare Is Rated As The Best Acute1877 Words   |  8 Pagesbest Acute care and Ambulatory EMR for large hospitals with more than 75 physicians (KLAS Research,2017). As Houston Methodist (HM) is committed to Leading medicine and improve patient experience, the leadership decided in 2013 to shift from MethOD an EMR based on Allscripts ® to a new EHR looking for an integrated solution that will help build a complete and robust patient story, easily accessible by the care team to help them make more informed decisions in order to achieve better health outcomesRead MoreClou d Computing Of Health Care Industry3458 Words   |  14 PagesCloud Computing in Health Care Industry Executive Summary: In this paper I manage the favorable circumstances of distributed computing innovations in human services data frameworks. In the last few years, desires about patient protection data, therapeutic administrations, information maintenance, what s more social insurance supplier accessibility have climbed significantly. The human services industry is confronting note worthy weights to bring down the expenses connected with giving social insuranceRead MoreQuality Improvement328284 Words   |  1314 Pagesnumber of trees cut each year does not exceed the amount of new growth. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright  © 2009 by John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission

Thursday, May 14, 2020

An Analysis Of Beowulf And The Cowardly Cave, And...

Allie Dierschke Mrs. Saverance English 2322 10 December 2014 Nature of Characters in Themselves The outrageous characters in Beowulf have attracted an abundant amount of attention. The landscapes in which they live create the characters and make them complex. The location of the poem imitates the qualities which make them outrageous. To understand the prosperity of the characters it is beneficial to view the symbolic value of the setting and how the characters interact with one another throughout the story. There are four main plots in Beowulf that have significant value: Heorot, the sea, Grendel’s cave, and the Dragon’s lair. The poet of Beowulf makes it easy to visualize the scenery where the story takes place. He gives great details that allow the reader to feel as if they are in the act. The poet makes many references to pagan beliefs, but he also mentions Christian practices as well. The poet was a Christian, but wrote about pagan customs such as revenge, prominence, and destiny: â€Å"†¦it is evident that he was a Chr istian, a circumstance which has perhaps rendered his work less frequent in allusions to the customs and superstitions of his pagan ancestors†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (John Josias Conybeare). The locations that the author selects to describe do not serve as the entire scenes, but instead exact details of specific locations. He creates remote descriptions of these locations. Many of the locations are not physically possible. For example, Grendel’s cave, the water changes from dirty to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marriage Essay - 495 Words

Marriage What does marriage mean? By definition, marriage is â€Å"the legal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife† (Webster’s Dictionary). Most people claim that they want their marriage to last a lifetime. Because over half of all marriages in the United States end in a divorce, most people lack the understanding of what it takes to stay married. I believe that couples should become more aware of the commitment that they are making when they enter into marriage. Men and women should get to know one another completely before deciding to get married. Important issues such as religion, finances, career, and whether or not to have children should be discussed so that the couple can learn each other’s views regarding the†¦show more content†¦Why did they not discuss this issue before they got married or did they think the other one would change after saying their wedding vows? Marriage is not about changing someone; instead, it is about loving your partner for his or her beliefs. Rather than giving up and ending the marriage, many couples could save the marriage by trying to work through the problems that arise. Many people do not realize how much hard work has to be put into a marriage for it to be successful. When planning a wedding, some couples spend a lot of time preparing the vows that will be exchanged during the ceremony, but sadly the partners fail to live by the vows day after day. Scores of married couples drift apart because their hectic lives do not allow them to spend enough quality time together, which is important for a healthy marriage. Communication is also an essential factor in working through problems in a marriage. Entering into marriage for the wrong reason usually leads to divorce. Sometimes an individual will say that he or she married for money, or he or she may claim to have married for love. Many times, lust is mistaken for love; consequently, when the passion ends so does the marriage. Some people choose to marry wealthy people solely to gain financial security, but eventually they will find that money does not lead to happiness. Others enter into marriage believing that it is a cure-all that will makeShow MoreRelatedMarriage Between Marriage And Marriage1441 Words   |  6 PagesMarriage is universal, in the sense that no matter where you go in the world there is marriage. The meaning of marriage might be different but it still exists everywhere. Marriage would be so much healthier and happier with a marriage contract signed and agreed between both parties. Many people commonly have a misconception of what a marriage contract really is. This type of contract involves a written doc ument between two people, their respective rights and obligations in regards to the marriageRead MoreThe Marriage Of Marriage And Marriage1599 Words   |  7 Pagesvaccinations, abortion and marriages. One topic that has been of controversy and is viewed differently in many countries is marriage and whether or not arranged marriages are better than love marriages. There are several different reasons why people in India believe that arranged marriages are the best; likewise, people in Western countries such as the United States believe that love marriages are best. Most westerners have a misconception on arranged marriages. An arranged marriage is a marital union whereRead MoreCohabitation And Marriage : Marriage1669 Words   |  7 Pages Cohabitation and Marriage Lauren Pfeifer Dr. Richard White Christian Marriage 16 April 2014 Cohabitation and Marriage Cohabitation is an increasingly popular relationship reality in the United States. Many individuals seek a cohabiting relationship as preparation for marriage; however, studies have shown that this has adverse effects on relationship satisfaction and stability within marriage. Many factors have been theorized to contribute to this effect. No matter the cause of the correlationRead MoreMarriage And The State : Marriage1265 Words   |  6 Pages Marriage and the state Marriage is a legal union of a couple as spouses according to Cornell University of law school. Traditionally, marriage was viewed as the basis of the family unit and very vital to the preservation of civilization and morals. However, defining marriage in the society of today can be a challenge. This is because the marriage of today differs with what marriage was considered to be in the past. In the today’s society, there are three basic elements of marriage which include:Read MoreThe Birth Of Marriage And Marriage1539 Words   |  7 Pages Before marriage, girls are typically owned and controlled by their father. Men cannot own children without familial relation, that is, own child slaves or adopt non-relatives, but they dominate matrimonial ownership, and the father’s extended family is also considered responsible for the children’s well-being. It is not uncommon for children to be sent away to live with an extended relative in case of death in the family or t he father’s inability to provide for the child despite the mother’s desiresRead Moremarriage963 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Marriage The most important quality of a married couple is love. In a marriage important issues such as attitudes, responsibilities, religion, finances, career, and whether or not to have children should be discussed so that the couple can learn each other’s views regarding the issues to determine compatibility. Building a happy marriage is the result of conscious effort on the part of a husband, and wife. A lifelong union that people bound together by a bond of love, which is spiritual as wellRead MoreMarriage1099 Words   |  5 PagesMarriage In the human society, marriage is the most essential social custom. Marriage appears as a compromise between two committed individuals, also known as spouses. It is a way of creating a family and obligations. Weddings are traditional ceremonies with exchange of wedding vows and rings, which symbolize eternity and love, between the bride (woman) and the groom (man). It is practiced in many modern countries and has similar meanings as marriage. Marriage is a social bond, which requiresRead MoreThe Marriage Expectations Of Maya Marriages1139 Words   |  5 Pages3.a The marriage expectations in Maya marriages of women are different for every generation. One difference between the second oldest generation and the next is the non-use of Iglesia Maya ceremonies. The article spoke of a woman who said that the ceremonies were trifling. Another example of these differences is that marital conflict and jealousy began to become more common in the second and third generations. All the women th ought that this rise in conflict became more prominent during the contemporaryRead MoreCohabitation Between Marriage And Marriage1303 Words   |  6 Pagestaboo ideas is cohabitation. Cohabitation is the act of living together while in a romantic relationship, prior to marriage. (Steinberg, Bornstein, Vandell, and Rook, p. 450, 2011) More and more couples are cohabitating, according to some studies approximately two-thirds of couples live together before they get married. (Luscombe, 2014) Some couples that lived together before marriage have a strong and healthy relationship, while others end in divorce. Could this have anything to do with cohabitationRead MoreMarriage Between Marriage And Divorce1101 Words   |  5 Pagesoccurs no questions asked. However it is not possible to have divorce without marriage. Marriage and divorce are interchangeably connected. For one is the beginning of a committed relationship and the other is the ending of one. Both, marriage and divorce, a re still practiced today. Similarly their origins are also connected to the other. To understand divorce, one must first understand where marriage came from. Marriage is another tradition that has been around for as long as anyone can remember

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Perceptions of Online Retailing Service Quality †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Perceptions of Online Retailing Service Quality. Answer: Introduction: The aim of the paper is to study application of business and management tools to an issues or a problem an organisation is facing. Amazon is a electronic commerce or ecommerce and cloud computing services and software providing company with its headquarters in the UNS. It is a public limited compnay listed on NASDAQ and has websites designed for its major markets like the UK, Australia and France. It is the leading ecommerce company in the world with Jeff Bezos as its founder, chairperson and CEO. Amazon sells a variety of commodities over the digital space like books, consumer goods and industrial goods. Thus, the consumer segments of the company include both household consumers and industrial consumers. The company also provides cloud-computing services, which enable multinational companies to manage their data. Amazon has decided to launch its own brick and mortar stores to diversify its retail business and enhance customer experiences of purchasing goods. Amazon is often attribut ed to disrupt the businesses of physical stores by introducing the system of offering thousands of goods online to customers. The issue the paper would address is, whether opening physical outlets to diversity its retail business would have be positive or negative effects on the company. The question, which the paper would seek to answer, is Should Amazons diversify its business into brick and mortar stores and would it impact its business negatively or positively? The researcher would consider secondary sources of data to gather information on the project. The secondary sources of information would be newspapers, financial reports of Amazon, articles, journals and magazines. The commentary would use SWOT analysis, Ansoff matrix and profitability ratios: Table of supporting documents: MIT Technology Review Q1 2017 earnings Amazon 2016 Annual Report "Amazon's Newest Bricks And Mortar Store Opens In New York". 2017.Com. Amazon Opens New Offline Shop In New York". 2017. BBC News. The findings of the research would be based on SWOT analysis, Ansoff matrix and ratio analysis. The ration analysis would consider the gross profit margin ratio, which is the ratio of gross profit to net sales for a year expressed as percentage. Financial strength: Amazon is a public limited company listed on NASDAQ and has very strong capital base, which is its first strength. The graph shows that the share prices of the company are rising which predicts its growing financial strength. The company as a result, can source huge capital by floating shares in the market. Huge consumer base and revenue yield: Amazon is the largest ecommerce company and millions of customers use its websites to buy products all over the world, thus earning huge revenue. The graph shows that by 2016 second quarter, the company has earned revenue of $ 32 billion by selling products worldwide (Appendix 2)[2].These two strengths enable Amazon to source immense capital and revenue, which forms the basis of its third strength, its robust technology. Immense technological prowess: Amazon is technologically very strong and its financial strength enables to carry out consistent development in the existing technology and introduce new technology. This leads to its fourth strength, its aggressive product line offering a variety of products to its global base of customers. Huge product line: The products of Amazon consist of ecommerce websites, video streaming services called Amazon Prime, online books and cloud computing services. Amazon is aiming to diversify its product line by offering brick and mortar store to cater to the customers directly and offer them great shopping experiences. The stores would complement the online shopping services and would have automated payment process, which would enable the customers to pay for their purchases without intervention of cashiers. Frequent disruptions: The first weakness of Amazon are frequent disruptions in the internet connections all round the world disrupt the online sales of goods through the websites of Amazon. The company is heavily dependent on internet to sell products and offer services all over the world[6]. Thus, power and internet disruptions prevents people from placing orders on the website which leads of a heavy opportunity losses to the company. Not successful in all segments: Amazon leads the ecommerce market but does not lead in all its segments. For example, in video streaming segment, Youtube leads the market. The venture of Amazon failed because it failed to provide high quality food products. Its online grocery store failed to provide customers with fresh food items, which often resulted in sales returns, causing further losses. Thus, some ventures of Amazon are less profitable and often leads to the loss to the company. New products: Amazon introduces new products to cater to the new customer needs and create new customer experience. The newest product, which the company has launched, is a line of brick and mortar stores. The customers can visit these stores to buy Amazon products and make payments. One can point that all several multinational companies like Levis have both physical stores and online stores where they sell their products. Thus, in the light of this fact one can predict that Amazon would also be successful in earning profits from the physical stores. The brick and mortar stores would strengthen the power of Amazon to rich to the customer needs to create excellent purchase experience. Truly, the stores would complement the online sales of Amazon. Global presence: Amazon has regional websites dedicated to all its markets to cater to the region specific customer needs. This global presence allows Amazon to cater to a large base of customers earning high revenue. Stiff competition: Amazon faces stiff challenges from companies like Google and Microsoft, which market similar products. These strong competitors threaten the market position and revenue generation of the company. Data theft: Amazon is always under threats from data thefts and virus attacks. This creates a huge threat to the knowledge bank of the company, which require it to invest millions of dollars to secure its data against these threats. The Ansoff matrix above presents four quadrants namely, market development, market penetration, diversification and product development. Amazon in case of market development, Amazon must enter new markets like countries in South America and Africa where it has no operations with existing products like ecommerce services. The company must try to penetrate its markets of America, Europe and Asia by providing existing products at cheaper rates[12]. Amazon must try to introduce its new product, physical stores in existing market and earn huge revenue by selling products offline besides selling them online. As far as diversification is concerned, the company must introduce the offline stores in the new markets only after its gain high positions in those markets. Profitability ratios: Dec 31, 2016 Dec 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012 Gross Profit 47722 35355 26236 20271 15122 Net Sales 135987 107006 88988 74452 61093 Gross Profit Margin: 35.09% 33.04% 29.48% 27.23% 24.75% Figure 2. Pie chart showing profit margin of Amazon The above table shows that Amazon earns high profits by selling a wide variety of products all round the world. This means that the company must diversify its business into new segments like opening brick and mortar stores initially in the US, its home market and later on enter its host countries like the UK. Analysis Evaluation: The analysis of the SWOT, Ansoff matrix and profitability ratio brings into light several facts, which show that opening brick and mortar stores would profit Amazon. First, Amazon has a huge investor and customer base providing it with capital and revenue respectively. One can interpret from this finding that Amazon can amass huge amount of fund to finance its brick and mortar stores. Secondly, its financial strength has allowed the company bring about immense development in its technology. This can help the company cause disruptive innovation by introducing stores with digital payment systems capable of accepting payments faster from customers. One can interpret from the success of multinational companies like Levis that physical stores can be used to strengthen market presence and enhance online sales of goods. This it can be evaluated based on this ground that Amazon would be successful in capturing huge market by opening physical stores. Thirdly, the interpretation of the Ansoff matrix of Amazon shows that the company should introduce the stores initially in its home country namely, the US and then expand it into the host markets. Fourthly, the profitability pie chart of Amazon shows that the company has shown increase in profit margin from 2012 to 2016. An evaluation of the profitability ratio points out to the growing market position of Amazon. Thus, based on the findings and their analysis, one can summarise that Amazon should expand its market presence by opening a physical store. Conclusion: The discussion at length shows that Amazon should diversify into brick and mortar stores. However, it can be recommended in the light of the discussion that the company should introduce the brick and mortar stores in its home country and gradually expand it into the host countries. I can point out upon reflecting on the topics covered that, the study does not cover areas like the market position of Amazon in the physical retail business. This is because the company has just embarked on the business venture and analysis of the performance in brick and mortar store business is subject to future investigations. Bibliography and references: "Amazon - Investor Relations - Annual Reports, Proxies And Shareholder Letters". 2017.Phx.Corporate-Ir.Net. "Amazon's Newest Bricks And Mortar Store Opens In New York". 2017.Bbc.Com. 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"Customers' perceptions of online retailing service quality and their satisfaction."International Journal of Quality Reliability Management21, no. 8 (2004): 817-840. Laudon, Kenneth C., and Carol Guercio Traver.E-commerce. Pearson, 2013. million, Amazon. 2017. "Amazon Prime Subscribers Hit 80 Million".Business Insider. Rodgers, John A., David C. Yen, and David C. Chou. "Developing e-business; a strategic approach."Information management computer security10, no. 4 (2002): 184-192. Soper, More, and More Zaleski. 2017. "Inside AmazonS Battle To Break Into The $800 Billion Grocery Market".Bloomberg.Com.